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You think you are Ghetto? Yeahbatsch is LIFESTYLE!

Are you really cool enough to live the Yeahbatsch Lifestyle?  


Modern clothes with cool logos & slogans freshly interpreted. 

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The   Yeahbatsch   Alter-Egos

Limited Edition Types

They are sold irregularly and then disappear again!

Urban Classics, Mister Tee, AMK, Merchcode

Among other things we distribute the cool stuff from the above mentioned brands.  These were selected drunk and staggering and match absolutely our style and our idea! 

The Yeahbatsch

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It's him.

No one can beat him.

A womanizer, a good friend,

a perfect wingman, a good-looking man, subtly coquettish, a cosmopolitan, the magnet and the attraction everywhere.

Mr. Perfect.

A true Yeahbatsch.

The Frajer-Brate

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The Frajer-Brate is always there for you. He will go with you through thicks and thins.

He is always at your side and supports you with all your

ideas and all the flirts.

The Frajer-Brate is your brother from another mother. Brates keep each other together and are strong drinkers.

Gospodin Schicky Micky

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The gospodin. A gentleman.

A man of a global nature.

He knows all rules of behavior, seduction and speaks all languages.

He enjoys and remains silent.

He does not pride himself on his attributes. And if so, then only subtly. Take an inspiration from the Gospodin.

Brate, what's Yeahbatsch?  

Why should the phrases and pictures on the shirts always be so boring and empty?


Yeahbatsch (say it out loud, so you know what it means or ask your Slavic friends to do it)

wants that you subtly and with crude power expressions catch all the attention on you. But not in such a way that someone feels attacked. Balkan (curse) words written in English or German. If you don't know these expressions, you will soon get to know them all.  We let our spiritual outpourings run openly for our own shirts, find the best for this purpose in the net from other cool brands and make all those happy who want to buy Urban-Style-Shirts with rough slogans or cool logos.


Brate, Abi and Vëlla - Lifestyle advice via -Blog or Instagram- incl.


C'mon Brate, become part of our crazy, with Balkan clichés overcrowded - but stylish - community!

Go to the shop, buy something and show yourself different, yeahboteh!

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